Monday, April 19, 2010

Dog First Aid

First aid for dogs, just like first aid for humans, is an effective combination of knowledge, supplies and skills, put into action for the benefit of your four-legged friend. Visit

in reference to:

"First aid for dogs, just like first aid for humans, is an effective combination of knowledge, supplies and skills, put into action for the benefit of your four-legged friend. Visit"
- Dog First Aid Could Save Your Dogs Life ! (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Behavioral Optometry

Never heard of behavioral optometry?

Well, many people haven’t.

This growing sub-specialty of optometry uses vision therapy — eye exercises performed in the doctor's office and at home — to go beyond the usual concerns of vision care and treat

in reference to:

"Never heard of behavioral optometry? Well, many people haven’t. This growing sub-specialty of optometry uses vision therapy — eye exercises performed in the doctor's office and at home — to go beyond the usual concerns of vision care and treat"
- Behavioral Optometry - Intel by Bill Coughlin - Qondio United States (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Treat Your Dog's Wound with Dog First Aid

The sight of a dog's wound is one that could make even the strongest person feel rather sick.

An injured animal is not easy to deal with, especially when you feel overwhelmed with feelings of pity and sadness at the sight of the dog's pain, or even revulsion with the sight of maggots or open wounds.

It is of utmost importance that you keep your cool which will enable you to tend to the dog's wound better. It is in the dog's best interest if you stay calm and if you work with a steady hand.

It helps to take a moment to steady yourself and assess the seriousness of the wound you see before you. If the wound is an open one or if it is on account of a bite, your vet will be best equipped to deal with the situation. The same applies if your dog appears to be bleeding a lot.

There are, of course, plenty of other situations when you should take him or her to the veterinarian without delay such as if your dog has suffered on account of a vehicular accident.

For that matter, if there is the slightest possibility of your dog having internal injuries, even though there may not be much bleeding externally, a trip to the vet would be the best course of action.

Cleaning the wound is a tricky matter and it should not be undertaken at home in general, especially if there is foreign matter around the area.

This is because rubbing this, in the course of trying to clean it might cause further trouble by getting the debris to be rubbed against the wound as well or embedding it further into the wound.

If you have to treat it, it would be important to use a muzzle or a makeshift one since the dog, no matter how gentle, may loose its normal self restraint and tend to snap on account of the intense pain.

Usually, firm pressure would be required, but you should use a paper towel for this purpose. It would probably be necessary to get rid of the fur that you find around the site since it allows the wound air and gives you a better understanding of its seriousness.

Running water and antibacterial soap are usually the best means of cleaning. Consult your vet for a brand to apply to the area after this cleaning.

It would be best to consult a vet in any case, and especially when there are signs of internal injury such as the dog having difficulty with routine actions like standing or walking or trouble breathing.